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Tell us a bit about your business 

We’re based all the way in Jersey – our business is Phoenix Plumbing and Heating Ltd. There’s three of us in the company and we’re all directors. We each bring a speciality such as bathrooms, alternative heating (solar etc) and small works (me!). Our work is mainly domestic and light commercial. 

How long have you been in the industry? How did you get started and why?

It will be 25 years this year. For me, I just didn’t want to work in an office, and I had plumbing in mind since I’d done a course at college.  I heard of one female plumber here in Jersey and thought that’s for me. Also, my dad was a site foreman, so I was used to that environment. 

Most embarrassing/funniest moment professionally? 

My funniest would be when a lady called, and she’s absolutely convinced she has a leak somewhere in the house as she can hear dripping. I search everywhere and can find nothing whatsoever. I tell her that I’m not convinced she has a leak and without starting to open up walls and floors, there’s nothing I can do. She says she’ll have a think about what she wants to do next. I get a phone call the next morning from her to say she’s discovered the “leak” …. the ticking alarm clock in her loft!!

What’s your favourite job and why?

Changing taps – it’s a small job that gives great satisfaction. 

What tips would you give to anyone just starting in the industry?

Ask questions. If you don’t understand just ask. Don’t stand with your hands in pockets.

Most Brilliant job?

It’s not necessarily the standard, but for me the first jobs I completed on my own, around 21 years ago. Also, any jobs where I’ve been called in and they’ve had previous multiple plumbers come and not be able to fix the problem, and then I do. 

 Most unusual job/request?
I’ve done lots of interesting plumbing work from colonic irrigation units, birthing pools, mortuaries and undertakers – take your pick! 

What trends do you see dominating the industry in the near future?
I’m seeing more coloured brassware such as brushed gold and black. We’re also seeing much more use of natural materials like stone and petrified wood. 

What would make your job easier?
Manufacturers that think about the future maintenance and repair of products. 

How do Easyfit products make your life easier?
Really easy to install in the first instance and swapping over is easy too - you are in and out. We fit lots of them and it’s nice as you’re banking easy work for the future in terms of any repairs or maintenance.

What’s your favourite in the Bristan range and why?
Bristan blitz basin taps - great to look at it, great functionality and a reasonable price. 

Why Bristan over brands?
I like the products and customer service. If you need parts the customer service team are really good - efficient and fast, which is important. And the reps are really good. Everyone’s really personable at Bristan.

What products do you always have in the van and why?
Bristan tap revivers – always two to three sets at a time
Valves in different sizes
Toilet spares

What type of customer’s keep you busiest?
The people who say ‘oh, while you’re here…’

On average how many taps do you fit in a week? 
5-6 taps a week but can go up to 10. 

On average how many showers do you fit in a month?
1-2 a month.