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9th April 2020

The recent coronavirus pandemic has hit home the need for organisations to have an effective hand hygiene strategy to achieve both infection prevention and control in a range of settings from NHS and healthcare to education and leisure.

At Bristan, we understand the importance of having the right taps and fixtures to help accomplish good hygiene standards and can provide information and support to help you find the most effective product specification for your needs.


Top priority

Even before COVID-19, NHS England and NHS Improvement were already focusing on infection control, through the publication of their national hygiene policy in 2019. A year later, the importance of these best practice guidelines was at forefront of everyone’s minds.

Hand hygiene remains the single most important factor in reducing the spread of infection. While global pandemics are thankfully very rare, COVID-19 has highlighted just how quickly contagions like the coronavirus spreads between people through contact with infected surfaces.

Innovative functionality

Bristan’s Healthcare range has been developed in close collaboration with healthcare managers and specification professionals, and our product designs are based on extensive research into specific sector requirements.

Importantly, our innovative products support the delivery of good hand hygiene standards, for both staff, visitors and patients. Our no touch infrared sensor controlled taps, for example, are basin taps which can support infection control as users aren’t required to touch the tap surface to operate it. They only need to have their hands within 23-26cm of the tap for them to trigger the water flow, enabling people to wash their hands without indirectly coming into contact with a contagion. 

Elbow operated products can significantly help to control cross contamination too. Our HTM64 range includes a patented integral flush system, which also assists against infection.

Managing serious risk

Older people and those with underlying health conditions were particularly susceptible to the recent coronavirus outbreak, yet it goes without saying that the risks to the most vulnerable groups must always be mitigated wherever possible. This should include reducing the possibility of serious infections such as Legionella.

The risk of Legionella increases if the water temperature in all or some parts of a water system is kept between 20–45 °C. When this water is stored or re-circulated, deposits – such as rust, sludge and limescale – form, which can then support bacterial growth. Our shower panels help reduce the risk of this serious infection by eliminating the deadleg between the built-in thermostat and the shower head.

A helping hand

Hand hygiene is a prevalent issue across the health and care sectors – now more than ever. To manage day-to-day infection risks more effectively, healthcare professionals should be supported with access to the best products and latest technology to help to ensure rigorous hygiene standards are easily incorporated into any routine.

Let us give you a hand with your next healthcare specification project. Visit our website to find out more about the Bristan Healthcare range.

H64 Basin Mixer

Healthcare Istock photo